Copyright 2007-2017
Built with Indexhibit

In the “Space Out” Project, our team considered the interaction of downtown space and the immigration issue as well as the public events and the local economy flourishment. During the pre-study step, our team had several online meetings with the local shop owners and event holders to get a deeper understanding of the needs of the block.

The discussion results lead us to come up with the idea that only providing a special landmark to the street can make the street stand out. By doing city walk and “stop-frame” animation, we had a better mind of the site situation. Through our design, we are trying to create a low-tech augmented reality for the users of the space. This is achieved by creating a new street surface where deployable structures reside.

They are used as a filter on one’s perspective of the space and bring new functionality to the street and alley. The concept “Space Out” is an idea that to create extra space from the original space. Here, we use a new pattern to redefine the street surface. Wooden structured Archs adds characteristic to the street as the landmark.

The north stage meets the concert requirement; the west alley is decorated with a platy structured arch as a shelter for exhibition function. Eight unit boxes were folded under the pattern during non-events day and can be used as public sittings, then during special events such as the Lincoln Calling Concert, they can pop up and transform into the stage, arch, and gallery space.